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[B.A.F. studio x Alutia] Group open!

[Group Order] B.A.F Studio Anime Eyes + Arutia DD BJD handmade accessories Silicon Kitty paws set~

I am looking for 30+ (eyes) and 30+ (paw sets) of order to get EMS free international shipping :) (Taiwan to AK, USA)


Preorder time:

3/15/2019 to 4/15/2019

Product detail:

[B.A.F Studio] Anime Eyes!

It fits DD. One size fits 22-244mm.

->Type : A only. (Please see order link)

-----------------------------and ------------------------------------ [Arutia DD BJD handmade accessories] Silicon Kitty paws set

It fits DD, MDD, SD, MSD

->There are 2 types: White, Black and Milk tea !  (including A Cat ears headband, a pair of silicon paws (squish paws!!), a tail, and a bell collar! )


[Arutia DD BJD handmade accessories] Silicon Bunny paws set

It fits DD, MDD, SD, MSD

->There are 2 types: White Bunny and Black Bunny! 

(including A Bunny ears headband, a pair of silicon paws (squish paws!!), and a bunny tail)

->Process time: Estimated 50-60 days after payment made. 

Depends on Artists. I do not have control over the speed. Please do understand. 

***The buyer pays for the exact shipping cost (from me to you) + PP fee ***

I will give you the shipping cost when I receive the package from B.A.F Studio + Arutia.

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